Thursday, March 27, 2008

Song Lyrics: Ajeeb Saaneha

अजीब सानेहा मुझ पर गुज़र गया यारों

अजीब सानेहा मुझ पर गुज़र गया यारों
मैं अपने साये से कल रात डर गया यारों

हर एक नक्श तमन्ना का हो गया धुंधला
हर एक ज़ख्म मेरे दिल का भर गया यारों

भटक रही थी जो कश्ती वो ग़र्क-ऐ-आब हुई
चढा हुआ था जो दरिया उतर गया यारों

वह कौन था वो कहाँ का था क्या हुआ था उसे
सुना है आज कोई शक्स मर गया यारों

Movie: Gaman -1979
Singer: Hariharan
Music: Jaidev


सानेहा: Misfortune/Mishap
साये: shadow
कश्ती : boat
ग़र्क-ऐ-आब: sink to the river bed (i think)
दरिया: river
नक्श : image
तमन्ना : hope
धुंधला : hazy/dusty

Saturday, March 08, 2008


Who am I?
What do I like?
Where is my home?
Where am I from?
Where is my mother from?
Where is my father from?
Where is my mother's father from?
Where is my father's mother from?
Where is my mother's father's mother from?
Where is my father's mother's father from?
Where is my mother's father's mother's father from?
Where is my father's father's father's father's father's father's mother from?
Where is my mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's father's father's mother from?


my quotes and misc;)

empty cup is better than a partly filled cup.
empty cup is better than a full cup.

but a full cup is better than a partly filled cup.

what happens when you pour more into a full cup?

The purpose of life is to be on time.

To know what you want will bring unhappiness.

You are a product of your environment, mostly!

There is no absolute truth ; only balance.

Every man is entitled to his eccentricities.