1. I cant search my own favourites
2. Sorting doesnt work properly.
3. Comments dont follow their original tree structure. If I reply to a comment nested in a series of replies, it should appear like that, but that doesnt happen, unless you open the seperate comment page(Video doesnt show).
4. I cant customize and categorize my favourite videos.
5. I cant play a video in a loop
10. There is no *easy* feedback/suggestions/contact-us something on the youtube site.
2. Sorting doesnt work properly.
3. Comments dont follow their original tree structure. If I reply to a comment nested in a series of replies, it should appear like that, but that doesnt happen, unless you open the seperate comment page(Video doesnt show).
4. I cant customize and categorize my favourite videos.
5. I cant play a video in a loop
10. There is no *easy* feedback/suggestions/contact-us something on the youtube site.
Thank God I found a YouTube sucks blog I can make an open ID on! I was just about to explode and do something I'd regret!
I hate YouTube with a passion now but it's like Windows where there is only one choice or you don't get much videos other then tennager rap crap.
Here on YouTube you have videos of every catagory just about such as nature.
I hate YouTube wants to control everybody like communist China. I feel when I walk into YouTube land I am walking into modern China where everything is censored to the extreme.
All I can say is if they want to control people theys hould jsut change their site to *OurTube*.com or *Control Tube* and censor anything that crticises anything and make it clear on their site policy they will take vidoes down just cause they feel like it.
actually i dont care about their censor policy, we live in a modern world with man-made governments to control us, thats how things are, although i would like to be an anarchist, its not practical.
for me YOUTUBE SUCKS because of its sucky-buggy-awful user interface!!! And the feedback mechanism was more painful than getting a complaint form processed by the VOGONS.
Mr Truth said...I hate YouTube wants to control everybody like communist China. I feel when I walk into YouTube land I am walking into modern China where everything is censored to the extreme.
Dude, I'm in China, been here for six months now and YT is much worse than the Chinese government. YT has killed one of my channels without explanation. Deleted videos without any explanation or providing a way to appeal. Forced me to use that horrible new interface without an option to change. I wish the Chinese were running it; it would be more responsive to public complaints.
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