Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Life as a Dictionary

I am fond of analogies. To come up with them is fun, most are silly and are not worth recording, but this one I like, howsoever silly it may be.
This happens a lot to me.

I come across something I dont understand, lets say some word. I want to find out, what does it mean. So I pick up the dictionary, and open it, a random page, I wont find it at the first flip of the page, I flip some more, I am too far from my destination, I flip again, I reach some page and my eye rests on some interesting(curious) word, I start reading its entry, that was nice, I continue reading the words below that entry, nice, after a while I lose interest, what was I doing, ohh I was searching for a word I believe, but what was that word, I forget, I try to remember it, but it evades me, I become impatient and frustrated, what was the bloody word, after much deliberation I do recall what I was searching in the first place, I see I am not there, I flip again, and some more, my eyes are distracted by so many words, so many interesting, delicious words, waiting to be enjoyed, I stop, I indulge, reading all those words, sticking at no particular word, just sequentially start reading, sometimes darting to the next page and the next, with no sign of focus, the original aim lost in the jungle of words, its not bad, its fun for a while, one learns, but then something is missing, there is a stress that comes from not being where one should be, but why, I am confused, what am I doing, I am looking at some words, but why, why am I holding this dictionary, what was I doing, ohh I remember I was trying to search for a word, what was that word, shit, I forgot, bloody I wasted so much time, and I still havent found that word, I dont know where I am, I kick myself and curse, what was that word I was looking for........
....ad infinitum

The dictionary is your life, the words the physical , mental and the spiritual worlds and the word that the seeker was originally looking for can be the purpose of life or anything for that matter.

ps: I do always recall in the end what word I was looking for. But then on this side of the analogy things are much simpler.

pps: Djiskstra has some interesting things to say about analogies, I misplaced his article, this is a reminder for me to update this post.