Sunday, December 23, 2007


The root of many problems arises from the following:
People try to define something that cannot be defined, they try to make connections when the connections themselves are either invalid, non-sensible in the first place, or changing(yes analogies are dangerous), they try to bind a value to a variable thinking it is immutable, they live in the misconception that the value is the same as the variable, they cannot distinguish between the two.
Let me give some simple examples, but before that let me explain some of the terminology I have used:
Events(anything that happens) are values and Nouns(anything that is) are variables.
- Help someone, you will be termed a good man
- Steal, you will be called a thief all your life.
The action becomes the actor and vice-versa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nahi samajh ayaa - appu